Intellij idea icon
Intellij idea icon

intellij idea icon

  • Java class located out of the source rootWe already know Source rootThe directory is used to tell IntelliJ IDEA that this is the directory where the compilable files are stored. Radius px Size px Bg color, opacity Stroke px Color, opacity Text.
  • The default default name is srcThe directory is the source directory, but in IntelliJ IDEA, even if it is called srcsCan also be set to Source root, so the source directory has nothing to do with directory naming, because IntelliJ IDEA supports setting any directory to Source rootThe role is to mark the files in this directory is compilable. Blurry text when using Sway or fractional scaling on Wayland Icons do not have.
  • Source root, we can understand as the source directory, its role is to store Java class files, it is the source relative to the compiled class file. The only application I use which is not wayland native is IntelliJ IDEA.
  • The default file types are:įor icons of various file types, above DescriptionIt has been introduced in great detail, but there are two more icons that need special explanation: File types and their extensions can be configured in the file type dialog. Each file type is associated with one or more specific patterns.

    intellij idea icon

    IntelliJ IDEA recognizes a wide variety of file types, each of which is represented by a special icon and also allows for custom file types. In order to better understand IntelliJ IDEA, here, let's take a closer look at the icons of various file types of IntelliJ IDEA, which are mainly divided into three categories: Common, Data Sources and File Types.

    intellij idea icon

    When we use IntelliJ IDEA to create files, the icons displayed are different depending on the file type.For example, let's create a Java, Interface, Enum, and JavaScript file, as shown in the following image:Īs shown in the figure above, it is obvious that different file types display different icons.

    Intellij idea icon